×Time: 14.15 on 22 Jun, 2018
Place: Seminarraum 00.003
Francesco Amoroso (Université Caen Normandie)
Height on Galois extension
In a recent joint paper with D. Masser we prove that the Weil height of a non-zero algebraic number, not a root of unity, which generates a Galois extension, can be bounded from below "essentially" by a positive constant. We further analyse Galois extension with full symmetric group. We prove that two classical constructions of generators give always algebraic numbers of "big" height. These results answer a question of C. Smyth and provide some evidence to a conjecture which asserts that the height of such a generator growth to infinity with the degree of the extension. **Location: Seminarraum 00.003, Spiegelgasse 1**