University of Basel
Spiegelgasse 1
4051 Basel
Email: (first name)(dot)(last name)(at symbol)unibas(.)ch
MR Author ID: 774657
Official University of Basel site
My research is in number theory, more precisely diophantine geometry touching on topics like: rational points on varieties, heights, elliptic curves, unlikely intersections and connections to o-minimal geometry.
A list of my publications.
Research Group Members
- Tobias Bisang, PhD student
- Alessio Cangini, PhD student (SNF Project)
- Marta Dujella, PhD Student (SNF Project until 2023)
My teaching activities at the University of Basel.
Recent Grants
SNSF Grant "Rational points, Arithmetic dynamics, and heights" (Nr. 200020_219397/1) 2023 - 2027 (ongoing)
SNSF Grant "Diophantine Equations: Special Points, Integrality, and Beyond" (Nr. 200020_184623) 2019 - 2023 (done)
Administrative Responsibilities
Since 2021, I am the Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Science. I represent the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Dissertation Committee.
Number Theory Web Seminar
Together with Michael Bennett (UBC) and Alina Ostafe (UNSW) I organize the online weekly Number Theory Web Seminar.
Basel Number Theory seminar
The Basel Number Theory seminar is currently running.
Upcoming Workshops, Seminars, etc. that I co-organize
I am involved in the organization of the following upcoming event:
5th Rhine Seminar on Transcendence Basel-Freiburg-Strasbourg on April 11, 2024 in Basel, together with Giuseppe Ancona (Strasbourg), Amador Martin-Pizarro and Annette Huber (Freiburg)
SMS Doctoral Days 2024, joint with Steering Committee of the Swiss Mathematical Society, Alessio Cangini, Julia Schneider, May 3, 2024, Basel
The Mordell conjecture 100 years later, joint with Jennifer Balakrishnan, Bjorn Poonen, Andrew V. Sutherland, Wei Zhang, July 8 - 12, 2024, Cambridge, USA
Past events that I co-organized.