
Variation of canonical height and equidistribution (with Laura DeMarco)
American Journal of Mathematics, to appear.
Algebraic approximations to linear combinations of powers: an extension of results by Mahler and Corvaja-Zannier (with Avinash Kulkarni and Khoa Nguyen)
Transactions of the AMS, 2019, vol. 371, 3787-3804.
Impossible intersections in a Weierstrass family of elliptic curves
Journal of Number Theory, Volume 169 (2016) 21-40 .
Variation of the canonical height in a family of rational maps (with Dragos Ghioca)
New York Journal of Mathematics, Volume 19 (2013) 873-907.

Quasi-adelic measures and equidistribution on P^1 (with Hexi Ye)

In preparation
Arithmetic equidistribution for real adelic metrized divisors with applications to linear relations in families of elliptic curves (with Laura DeMarco)
A variation of heights for totally Fatou dynamical pairs (with Laura DeMarco)
A dynamical Shafarevich theorem in P^N (with Jamie Juul, Holly Krieger and Nicole Looper)

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